Getting Ready for Retirement
You have had a rewarding career and now you are planning for retirement! Time to relax and do all of those things that you did not have time to do before! But suddenly you find that you have taken on a new business venture- to run the business of “Your Family”! You have dealt with many of the areas in the past, but many are brand new. What is a formulary list? Spousal retirement income? Critical illness rider? Roth conversions? RMD’s? The learning curve can be steep.
Here are some areas that you will need to consider when retiring:
- Lifestyle adjustment– When work ends, how do you spend your time? What activities will keep you involved in life, giving you value?
- Healthcare costs– How do you plan for the cost of care as you get older?
- Income sources: How much should be guaranteed versus flexible?
- Market risk: What effect would a large market downturn have on your income?
- Longevity: Will you outlive your money?
- Inflation: As costs increase on essential purchases, your income will purchase less.
- Aging: How easily can you manage your affairs as you age?
- Taxes: What is the best way to manage our taxes in retirement?
You will need to make decisions about Social Security, budgeting, insurance, taxes and risk as you move ahead. The time to start learning is now.
At least you know a little about investing, having built your 401(k) plan over the years. Now you find that accumulating money is very, very different than drawing income! In the past, if there was a market downturn, you just waited for your investments to recover. Now you need to sell for income- how does that work when the markets are low? Do you draw dividends for income? Buy fixed investments and live off the interest? Systematically sell shares to provide flexible income? This area alone is one that is very complicated and can lead to mistakes.
We specialize in helping people make the tough initial decisions and then assist in helping you navigate through the ongoing challenges as they arise in retirement. We are equipped to help you make a plan and then execute that plan to success over your retirement years.
Retirees today have higher expectations, longer life expectancies, greater responsibilities and complex family situations. Let us help you, so that you can do all of those things you dreamed of and actually spend more time with the kids and grandkids!
To get started, contact us today.