
NorthStar Financial Partners recognize the importance in preparing a sound financial plan for our clients. We set the stage for them to move towards a future where they are in control of their finances and can actively move to achieve their financial goals and ambitions. As fiduciaries, we act prudently when collecting client information and…

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Account Access

The software that you would be able to access as our client is called Investor360°®. Through Investor360°®, you have access to: Account balances Transactions Statements As-of-date reporting Real-time quotes and charts Imported TurboTax information for NFS accounts I360 Features Access: Gain/Loss Information Performance Add/Edit Additional Assets Reports Tab Investor360°®Messages Account aggregation You can link your…

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Life Insurance

Life insurance coverage is a fundamental part of any healthy financial plan.  To ensure that your wishes will be carried out after your death, end-of-life planning is essential. But organizing your personal and financial affairs can be difficult if you don’t know where to start.  NorthStar Financial Partners has in-depth experience in helping our clients…

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Long Term Care

This is one of the most challenging financial planning topics of our generation.  The costs vary based on home health care, assisted living facilities and nursing home care.  There are many options for paying for this care and many questions that come with each option: How much can the average person expect to pay for…

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Disability Insurance

We at NorthStar Financial Partners believe in the financial planning process and the development of a strong financial plan.  The foundation of a strong plan is having adequate liquidity and insurance to allow your long-term investment plan the time it needs to maximize returns and meet your goals. Disability insurance helps to protect you and…

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College Planning

Educational Savings Plans are a great way to put some money aside for your child’s (or grandchild’s) post-secondary educational needs. When done correctly, and as long as they are used at a qualified post-secondary educational institution, the gains on any investments are tax free. Planning for college and how to pay for it is something…

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Financial Planning Process

NorthStar Financial Partners recognize the importance in preparing a sound financial plan for our clients. We set the stage for them to move toward a future where they are in control of their finances and can actively move to achieve their financial goals and ambitions. As fiduciaries, we act prudently when collecting client information and…

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A 7-Point Checklist for Your Estate Plan

When it comes to estate planning, executing your will and other estate documents is only the first step. To help ensure that your estate plan stays in tune with your goals and needs, it’s important to review and update it on an ongoing basis. Working with your financial advisor and attorney, use this checklist as…

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Plan Design

When is the last time that you reviewed your Plan Design?   The design of your plan sets the foundation of your entire employee retirement plan.  The provisions that you choose are placed in your plan document, which determines the rules and mandates for your plan.  Do you want individually designed plan, or a more…

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